Wuxi Hengyi Metal Products Co., Ltd
Add: No. 308, Xixin Road, Zhangjing Town, Xishan District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Tel: +86-510-83910168
Fax: +86-510-83910099
Website: www.wxhyjszp.com

Steel Cord For Rubber Frame

Steel Cord For Rubber Frame

Steel cord for rubber framework

Our company can develop, design and produce steel cord for rubber framework of various specifications. Our company's steel cord for rubber track has the features of high tensile, high tenacity and low elongation. Our company's advanced surface plating technology and strictly controlled copper zinc ratio guarantee the good bonding of steel cord with rubber.


Main products


1.Steel cord for rubber track

2.Steel cord for engineering tyre 

3.Steel cord for rubber tube, rubber conveyor belt

4.Other rubber framework

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